A Round Up of Horse Centric Commercials Worth Watching | Written by Milton Menasco

In honor of National Marketing Day (otherwise known as Super Bowl Sunday) we've rounded up a collection of the Marketing Department's finest from over the years, from Cat Herders to Lonely Minis..
'CAT HERDERS' by Electronic Data Systems premiered in 2000 at the XXXIV Super Bowl. We'd like to think of this marketing smash hit as being ahead of it's time, withmany of the lines by the 15+ cowboy actors being completely improvised. And let's not forget the 50+ cats involved, making this an unforgettable production.
'A LONELY LITTLE HORSE' by Amazon Prime was the brainchild of London-based marketing firm Joint and brilliantly set to Sonny and Cher's 'Little Man' track is easily one of the most memorable, and heartstring tugging, commercials to air.